Monday, November 30, 2009

Learn more!

It does not matter what you want to do...learning more will be helpful. The more you learn about any interesting topic, hobby, activity, career, etc. etc. you will benefit and be better prepared.

You will be able to make informed decisions and better choices for yourself, when you are educated about any topic that is of interest to you.

So...are you interested in being healthy and happy? Are you interested in learning about how and why you think, feel and behave as you do?

Would you be interested in improving your communication skills and interactions with others?

earn about you mind ! There is plenty to learn.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Expectations/should systems

Individuals often have expectations about how others should think, feel and behave. Yes it is important to have standards for yourself and even others the problem occurs when people allow the behavior of others to cause stress or negativity in their lives. It is not productive to allow other peoples thoughts, feelings or behavior to cause you stress. It is productive and healthy to decide what you want to do in response or in reaction to others thoughts, feelings, or behavior.

So if you want to be healthier, there are a few things you can do. You can either gain a better understanding of why people are thinking, feeling, or behaving as they are when it does not meet your expectations, and often with more knowledge you will probably be less stressed. You could change your expectations. You can plan on being proactive and taking positive productive action in response to whatever is causing you stress. Or you can choose to not allow yourself to get stressed about things you cannot change, just accept it! You actually have lots of options rather than just being stressed! You must develop skills for having appropriate expectations.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Do you yell? Raise your voice !? Do you do this because you think the person you are yelling at will listen, be more responsive, intimidated? Or do you yell because you are simply reacting to your own anger, frustration, etc.?
Bottom line is that raising your voice is ineffective in motivating most people to change their behavior. Yelling can intimidate some people but only if they are vulnerable. Mostly yelling will escalate a situation and can definitely make things worse.
Also yelling, even if a form of venting is still the behavior which is resulting from a negative feeling or emotion, is not healthy. Anger and other negative emotions are forms of stress. They are a persons way of responding negatively to circumstances. Stress is very unhealthy.
So if yelling is ineffective and unhealthy, maybe people can learn how to not get so upset.
Any stress is unhealthy. People can larn to understand how their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are related and therefore learn to manage their reactivity to challenging situations better.
This does require a little education, effort, and practice, but what a wonderful skill to develop and master. Whew! Reduce or eliminate stress and the negative effects of stress ! Yeah! Great idea and anyone can do it!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Positive Parenting Class

"Positive Parenting"
Parenting can be the hardest job on the planet!

1) Learn to reduce, minimize, or eliminate your stress and negativity!
2) Learn all the proven effective, positive parenting strategies.
3) Develop a discipline system that works for your family.
4) Learn how to perfect implementation of your discipline system!

If you are a parent who wants their children to be:
- Safe - Happy - Healthy - Respectful - Responsible - Confident - Independent - Able to think for themselves - Cooperative - Motivated -
- Able to make good choices - Communicative - Self disciplined - Enthusiastic about having a good relationship with you - Successful -

Instructor: MS Child /Adolescent psychotherapist, Parent Expert/Coach, PhD student
Location: Baltimore City - Canton area
Fees: $25.00 per participant, 40$ per couple
Date/Time: December 2 & 9th, 2009 , 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. (4hrs)
Registration is required
Seating is limited

For more information: Contact Dianne DeSantis MS
Call 410-528-3329