Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Confusion about psychology

Part of the confusion about psychology and psychological well being is that it is quite challenging to tease apart what thoughts or behaviors are a result from genetic and physiological make up and which are a part of a learned process, or both, which is usually the case.

It is not certain that this can always be determined. Surely an unhealthy mind or way of thinking is not as simple as a broken arm.

You cannot look at someone or open up their brain and see anger for example. The chemicals in the brain that affect the way a person thinks are very complex and much a mystery still to the most well studied neuro psych doctors.

Though neuroscience has come a long way in recent years, the brain is so very complex that we have only just begun to unravel the wonders of what goes on inside to cause many brain functions, especially in regard to emotions.

The boundaries for where learned behavior starts and ends or where chemicals are predominantly running the show is multifaceted. These two overly simplified components of what makes people think, feel, and behave as they do are ever integrated and evolving.

For those who think they always know why people do what they do...
and those who always can tell others how they should think, feel, and behave...
please ... consider reading more about this topic that you already know so much about!

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