Monday, July 13, 2009


Medications could be a long long discussion. Just to give food for thought, after an interesting conversation with a friend who asked why do so many people take meds to make them think differently?

Well everyone wants to feel good. As a society people in general want things to be quick and easy.
So a pill is an easy answer. There are may potential problems with this quick fix. Way too much to get into on this blog today.

However a few things to consider are:

1-Much can be done to change brain chemicals without meds
i.e. - exercise, food, drink, sleep, many lifestyle habits, and especially our own ability to change our cognition or way of thinking.
2-There is not a lot of information about all the long term effects of many meds. A little concerning.
3-Medications often cause side effects that then might need to be medicated:-(
...then things can start to get very complex.
4-If a person can change their moods or symptoms without medication wouldn't it seem logical and in a bodies best interest to do whatever possible to be sure to exhaust every possible option first?

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